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Medical procedures - general thermal therapy in SPA-capsule

Medical procedures:

General thermal therapy in SPA-capsule

Thermotherapy is general name medical and health-improving procedures for using the most pleasing to the human physical factor - warmth. It acts gently and relaxing, but it turns out to be a universal therapeutic effects without causing adverse reactions. So, thermotherapy has sedative, analgesic, antipyretic and antispasticheskoe action, promotes the body's biologically active substances, which helps in treatment of diseases of most organs and body systems.

Thermotherapy uses the heat of natural and artificial sources: moist heat water bath, warming packs, therapeutic mud, and dry heat pads, infrared lamps, wax, dry-air and elektrosvetovyh baths. For more in-depth warm-heat therapy uses high-frequency and microwave currents.

Distinguish between general and local thermotherapy.
General thermotherapy heat is directed entirely at the entire human body. On the general thermotherapy include bath, sauna, thermal therapy in the "Cedar Barrel", mud and paraffin wraps, thermoblanket, thermotherapy in the SPA-capsule. The latter acquired is growing in popularity in recent years.
Thermotherapy in the SPA-capsule (sauna effect) - continuously adjustable temperature to 82 ° C. Thermal radiation causes a momentary spasm followed by vasodilatation, sweating can make 0,2-2,0 liters. Since then be allocated derivatives exchange that facilitates the work of the kidneys. Heat therapy increases blood flow, metabolic processes, has the Lymphatic and diuretic effects.
Local thermotherapy is intended for the direct action of heat on certain parts of the body. The following may be attributed the same mud and paraffin wraps, thermal blanket, use the sauna effect on certain parts of the body, increasing the penetration of active substances into the skin. Also, if a local thermal therapy using a heating element.

General thermal therapy in SPA-capsule in the health resorts of Belarus: