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Medical procedures - therapeutic physical training

Medical procedures:

Therapeutic physical training

Therapeutic physical training - a set of treatment methods that are based on the use of physical exercises, specially designed and selected. Exercise therapy is a therapeutic and prophylactic method. It helps the body to recover and prevent the development of various diseases. In most cases, used in conjunction with other methods of recovery.

Exercise is selected individually for each person and depends on the state of health. Physical therapy classes lead to the following positive results: the metabolism is normalized, the water-salt balance is restored, further destruction and development of the disease is prevented, new skills are formed. The influence of exercise therapy applies not only to the functionality of the organs, but also to the mental and emotional state. In most health resort in Belarus therapeutic physical training is included in the price.

Gymnastic exercises can be of various types: static and dynamic, active and passive, in tension and relaxation. Movement is a biological stimulant and irritant that leads to development and recovery. In parallel, develop endurance, balance, coordination, mobility in the joints.

Therapeutic physical training in the health resorts of Belarus: