Medical procedures - pneumatic compression therapy
Medical procedures:
Pneumatic compression therapy
Pneumocompressive therapy is designed to carry out massage of hands, legs and pelvic girdle. This procedure is carried out for the prevention and treatment of venous and lymphatic disorders, prevention of thromboembolism.
For pneumocompression therapy in health of resort of Belarus the devices Lympha-mat, Lymphastim and Pressomed are used. They are a system of cuffs that are placed on the limbs and pelvic girdle and exert variable pressure on them. The cuff chambers are filled with air to the set pressure level, after which they are simultaneously deflated. This cycle is repeated several times over 25 minutes.
Indication for the use of pneumocompression therapy:
- Functional disorders of venous outflow (phlebopathy, tired leg syndrome)
- Varicose and postthrombophlebitic diseases of the veins of lower extremities
- Dermatocellulitis
- Congenital diseases of the vascular system
- Post-traumatic edema
- Swelling of lower extremities and pelvic girdle after oncogynecological operations
- Preventive maintenance of thromboembolic complications during and after operations
- In sports medicine, as a means of recovery after competitive and training loads.
During the massage, edematous fluid is displaced from the interstitial space in the body. Thus, venous congestion is eliminated, the flow of oxygen to the tissues increases, and the outflow of lymph is stimulated. This procedure is good for the skin and the circulatory system.
There are contraindications: chronic diseases of the lower arteries, polyneuropathy, angiopathy, acute phlebothrombosis, decompensated cardiopulmonary insufficiency, trophic ulcers, septic phlebitis.