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Medical procedures - contrast bath

Medical procedures:

Contrast bath

Contrast baths is a hydrotherapeutic procedure, during which the resting person alternately plunges into cold, then into hot fresh water. The contrast bath has a hardening effect, trains blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, relieves nerve overload.

Under normal conditions, ordinary hot and cold baths separately do not have special healing properties, but in combination they have a stimulating effect, improve metabolism, and stimulate the nervous system. This reduces pain, decreases the level of fat and carbohydrate. The body becomes resistant to the adverse effects of the environment. The healing effect of contrasting baths has been known since ancient times, and in the modern world, everyone knows from an early age about the benefits of hardening the organism.

During this procedure, warm water dilates the blood vessels, which improves circulation. Cold water can have both a stimulating and a calming effect. The alternate narrowing and dilatation of blood vessels causes blood to circulate faster in problem areas of the body, as a result of which blood pressure is normalized and nerve overloads are removed.

There are common and local contrast baths. Local baths are used to treat insomnia, chilliness and sweating of the extremities, varicose veins, leg ulcers, skin diseases. Local contrast baths uses 2 containers filled with hot and cold water.

Common contrast baths are appointed for treatment of functional disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, patients with hypotonic disease, exogenous-constitutional obesity, myocardiodystrophy with circulatory failure. For general contrast baths in health resorts of Belarus 2 adjacent large baths (pools) are used, in which the patient must be able to move freely. Passing through this procedure begins with immersing the person in warm water for 2-3 minutes - until the skin becomes red, and then in cold water, where he is 1 minute, making active movements. Such repetitions are performed 3-6 times.

Contrast bath in the health resorts of Belarus: